

Support Summer RISE 

Small SR LogoSummer RISE informs student decision-making about life after high school. Rising MCPS junior and senior students participate in an up to five week/50 hour, career-based summer learning opportunity. Each host provides students with an overview of their industry or profession, and the careers that are represented at the organization.  

Through the Summer RISE program, students receive:

  • guidance on the requirements needed (educational and skill-based) to pursue a vocation or profession, and the daily operational experiences a career entails;
  • training on skills such as communication, team building, professionalism, and financial literacy;
  • connections/networking/mentoring opportunities with possible future employers in desired industries; 
  • access to professional learning platform to deepen career learning and access materials to practice interviewing, create a professional resume, cover letter, and an ePortfolio for future opportunities; and,
  • an opportunity for professional clothing through Montgomery County-based nonprofit: A Wider Circle.

Summer RISE is an initiative led by the Montgomery County Public Schools Department of Partnerships in collaboration with businesses, government agencies, higher education institutions, and non-profit organizations. Student registration is free. Student participants are selected based on available host industries by geography, representation from all high schools, and the number of available slots.  Students who complete the program will be provided with a stipend to cover expenses such as clothing, food, office supplies, and transportation. 

This program aspires to support up to 1,000 students for summer 2025. The exact number of participants depends on approved funding and hosts willing to offer slots. Since 2017, more than 4,500 students have participated in the program. More information about this program and how to become a host visit  

To contribute toward the educational purposes of this program, which includes a closing ceremony for students to receive recognition, please complete the secure online donation form below.  Online contributions include a 2.598% + $0.26 processing fee.

Summer RISE sponsorships begin at $500; institutional donors of $2500 or more are recognized as Institutional Partners of the MCPS Educational Foundation. See the schedule of Summer RISE sponsorship levels and benefits here.

In addition to the secure online donation form below, other payment options are also available.

Make a donation

Make your contribution to the Summer RISE campaign to support the exploration of careers by high school students. For questions, call the MCPS Department of Partnerships at 240-740-5599 or contact Barbara Hihn at

Learn more at

Payment Options
•    Pay by Check.  Download our check donation form and follow the instructions to complete your gift.
•    Make an immediate online gift. Use this form to make a secure online payment by credit card, by debit card, or by electronic check. The Foundation now covers all processing fees for online gifts; 100% of your contribution will support the Summer RISE Program. Donate Now to complete your contribution.