Home → Dine with Dignity → Dine with Dignity Donation
The Dine with Dignity Fund helps students who cannot afford a lunch, but do not qualify for free meals, have access to traditional lunch options. Donations to this fund will go to schools to address unpaid lunch balances accrued during the school year, and allow students to receive a traditional lunch option even if they are in debt.
Currently, when a student’s lunch account has a negative balance of $10 or more, they are given an alternative meal. Unfortunately, this alternative meal identifies them to their peers as not having lunch money, increasing their potential to be embarrassed. 34,000 alternative meals were given to students last year.
The Foundation is raising awareness and funds to enable every student to dine with dignity. See our full announcement.
Giving levels presented below include transaction fee of 2.598% + .26 per donation.
To give by check, download and complete our check donation form.