Dine With Dignity

In the upcoming school year (FY2024), Dine with Dignity seeks to raise $170,000 to settle a fraction of the more than $700,000 unpaid meal debt accrued by MCPS students.
The Foundation fundraises to address debt accrued by students while their families wait for approval to receive free meals through FARMS.
In 2018, the Maryland General Assembly passed the Maryland Cares for Kids Act. When fully funded in 2025, the Act will reimburse Maryland Boards of Education for all meals provided through the Free And Reduced-priced Meals System.
At its May 10, 2022 meeting, the Montgomery County Board of Education (BOE) approved Policy JPH, School Food and Nutritional Services Programs, which does not allow alternative meals to be served to students with accrued meal debt. Payment of the debt will be sought from the parents/guardians.
In response to the legislation, the MCPS Educational Foundation established the Dine with Dignity Fund to settle unpaid school meal balances, particularly focusing on supporting families who demonstrated financial need. Since 2018, the fund has settled meal debt totaling $235,579 for more than 16,000 students.
Dine with Dignity now offers donors the option to Sponsor a School. Sponsoring a school doesn't require the whole amount to be given in one payment. Many sponsors make recurring gifts (bi-weekly or monthly) of amounts ranging from $10 to $100 to support their school.
Sponsor a School OR Donate Now
OR donate on your cell phone by texting DINE to 301-329-2238