Participating Organizations

Heyman Interages Center

Who We Are

We are the JCA Interages Center, an award-winning leader of innovative intergenerational programming in Montgomery County. Interages connects active adult volunteers, age 50 and better, with MCPS students for mentoring and tutoring. We work with over 900 at-risk MCPS youth, including students performing below grade level and those with limited English proficiency, to help them reach their highest potential. Interages also brings MCPS students into senior facilities for interactive programs with the frail elderly. Our staff creates curricula, recruits, trains and manages volunteers, works with school personnel, and coordinates intergenerational programs that benefit community members of all ages.

What We Do

Programs include: Bridges is an ESOL mentoring program in elementary, middle and high schools occurring during the school day and after school. Students improve English language skills, strengthen strategies for academic success, and increase self-confidence. Grandreaders promotes literacy in elementary schools. Students work one-on-one with volunteers during school to increase vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, and literacy skills. Dialogues engages volunteers and high school students in discussions of current events and social studies topics. SHARE enriches the lives of students and residents in senior facilities by connecting them through meaningful programs. Makeover Madness brings elderly to high schools for cosmetic services.

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Contact Us

Phone: (301) 255-4232


12320 Parklawn Drive 
Rockville, MD 20852-5721

