Who We Are
More than 19,000 low-income high school students are enrolled in MCPS today, 48% more than 10 years ago. All are at risk of falling off the path to productivity and prosperity without higher education. CollegeTracks was established in 2003 to close the opportunity gap for these students. Professional staff and trained volunteers at B-CC, Watkins Mill and Wheaton high schools help low-income students navigate the complex admissions and financial aid process so they can attend and succeed at college or technical school. CollegeTracks' Board of Directors come from diverse backgrounds and champion higher education for all students in the County.
What We Do
Getting all of Montgomery County’s high school graduates to higher education is a critical economic development and workforce issue. Research shows that low-income students are far less likely to enroll in college after graduation than their more affluent peers. Without higher education, they can’t get County jobs that pay enough to stay in their communities. CollegeTracks changes the lives of low-income, first-generation-to-college students in Montgomery County by helping them go to college and succeed once they get there. Their success, in turn, has a profound effect on their families, the community and future generations of citizens in Montgomery County.
Contact Us
Phone: (301) 986-4124
Email: nleopold@collegetracksusa.org
4827 Rugby Avenue Suite 302
Potomac, Maryland 20814